Saturday, August 31, 2019

Early encounters between American Indians and European colonists led to a variety of relationships among the different cultures Essay

Topic: Early encounters between American Indians and European colonists led to a variety of relationships among the different cultures. Analyze how actions taken by BOTH American Indians and European colonists shaped those relationships in each of the following regions: New England, the Chesapeake, the Spanish Southwest, and New York and New France. Thesis: Actions such as Bacon’s Rebellion, the Powhatan Wars, King Phillip’s War, the Encomienda, the New England Confederation, and the Fur Trade, Dutch and French. New England: King Phillip’s War is the first supporting idea. * The New England Confederation put to the test during war with Indian chieftain King Phillip (Metacom)—Wampanoag Chief son of Massasoit. The impact of the war led to Native Americans effectively removed from MB, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. The Chesapeake: Bacon’s Rebellion and the Anglo-Powhatan Wars are the second supporting idea. * Nathaniel Bacon, an aristocrat in western Virginia and member of House of Burgesses began mobilizing a militia to protect whites from Indians. Bacon’s rebels opposed to aristocrats and Indians. The Powhatan Wars were three wars fought between Virginians, and the Powhatan in the early 17th c. War resulted in a boundary being defined between the Indians and English. The Spanish Southwest, New York and New France: the Encomienda (S.W.), the New England Confederation and the Fur Trade Dutch/French (N.Y. &N.F.) is the third supporting idea. * Amerindians forced to do unpaid labor to build roads, buildings, and other infrastructure in towns through the Encomienda System (S.W.) * The N.E. Confederation made specifically for collective security against the Indians (N.Y) * The Beaver Fur Trade led to exploration of much of N.A. coureurs de bois: fur traders (N.F.) FRQ #2 Topic: Analyze the extent to which democratic ideals existed in colonial America prior to the American Revolution. Use relevant information between the years 1607 and 1763. Thesis: Democratic ideals existed in colonial America prior to the American Revolution to a larger extent with events such as the 1619 Formation of the Virginia House of Burgesses, the 1643 NE Confederation, the 1754 Albany Plan for Union, the 1713-1763 â€Å"Salutary Neglect†, and the 1740’s Great Awakening. The 1619 Formation of the Virginia House of Burgesses is the first supporting idea. * First representative  assembly in America; beginning of representative government. The House of Burgesses enacted legislation for the colony of Virginia. * Legislation passed by the House of Burgesses was subject to veto by the Governor, council and the directors in London. The 1643 New England Confederation is the second supporting idea. * Connecticut, New Haven, Plymouth, and Massachusetts formed an organization for collective security against Indian attacks. This was an important step in creating more unity among New England Colonies The 1754 Albany Plan for Union is the third supporting idea. * Proposed by Benjamin Franklin, this plan would have created an inter-colonial congress. It was rejected by Britain for giving too much control to the colonies. It was also rejected by the colonies who feared oppressive colonial congress. The 1713-1663 â€Å"Salutary Neglect† is the fourth supporting idea. * G.A.: Americans enjoyed much choice regarding religious groups. Churches increasingly had to cater to the needs of their parishioners. This was an important step towards democracy. FRQ #3 Topic: To what extent did economic, geographic, and social factors encourage the growth of slavery as an important part of the economy of the southern colonies between 1607 and 1775? Thesis: Economic, geographic, and social factors all contributed to the rise of importance for slaves in the S. colonies as their position in American society changed from 1607 and 1775. Economic Factors Encouraging the growth of Slavery is the first supporting idea. * Tobacco as brought by John Rolfe saved the colony of Jamestown. Tobacco was starting as a cash crop and with Europe’s desire for tobacco. Plantations were being brought out and required vast chunks of land on which to cultivate the tobacco. * Africans were better suited with their immunity to disease and their ability to work. Africans however were very expensive, but they were servants for life and with regulation laws, slavery in the south was important. Geographic Factors Encouraging the growth of Slavery is the second supporting idea. * Rivers and hot weather was the backbone of the South. The south was able to plant different crops than the north. The south cultivated its most important crops, tobacco and rice. The Carolinas were best known for their rice cultivation. Here in the Carolinas, Africans were used to growing rice. Social Factors Encouraging the growth of Slavery is the third supporting idea. * The ownership of slaves became an important sign of wealth and status in the social hierarchy of the south. The more slaves and the bigger plantation someone owned, the higher up they were. Everyone who was white was automatically above blacks, as they were seen as mediocre and incapable of academic success and learning. FRQ #4 Topic: Compare the ways in which religion shaped the development of colonial society (to 1740) in each of the following regions: New England, Chesapeake, and Middle Atlantic. Thesis: During the development of Colonial America, the New England region was affected socially, politically, and economically, whereas in the Chesapeake bay it was mostly men who came over to explore the new world in search of gold however, religion in the Middle Atlantic was not as much of a necessity therefore had less of an overall effect on society. Religion shaping colonial society in New England is the first supporting idea. * The New England region settlers were escaping England’s unification of religion and government. During the mid 1600’s approximately 20,000 colonists settled in the New England region. This religious driven movement was called, the Great Migration. * The Puritans were a hard working, god-fearing people. New Englanders established small farms, on which they raised corn and wheat, sheep, beef cattle, vegetables, and dairy cattle. Religion shaping colonial society in the Chesapeake is the second supporting idea. * The Chesapeake colonies did not focus much on religion because it was mostly populated by business men trying to make a living in the New World. There were also more Atheists in the Chesapeake because of the low life expectancy causing people to not believe in God as a savior. Religion shaping colonial society in the Middle Atlantic is the third supporting idea. * Founded on the idea of a safe haven for all sorts of religions, particularly Pennsylvania. In the New Netherlands (later renamed New York in 1664) Ethnic and religious differences prevented a development of a strong sense of community in the 1620’s-1640’s * Dutch West India Company more interested in profits than keeping order, so New Netherlands was founded for economic purposes and its origins in trade explain its diversity, including Dutch, German, French, English, Swedish, Portuguese, African, Calvinist, Lutheran, Quaker, Catholic, Jew, Muslim. FRQ #5 Topic: To what extent did the three regions of colonial America develop separate societies in the years prior to the American Revolution? Thesis: Though there were many similarities in the development of the New England, Middle and Southern Colonies, they were very different: politically, socially, and economically. The New England Colonies is the first supporting idea. * The New England colonies were a Theocracy, which means the government was run basically by the church. * The New England Colonies supported each other to create a one-class system: middle class. * Although some New England farmers exported grain and livestock, many could barely feed themselves and their families because the poor soil made farming difficult. * New Englanders therefore turned to alternative occupations, trading with the West Indies and developing fishing, small manufacturing, and shipbuilding The Middle Colonies is the second supporting idea. * The Middle Colonies had their government and church separated. * Had a two-class system which consisted of upper class landowners and middle class professionals living in large cities. * Economy: grains, livestock, ship building, shipping. The Southern Colonies is the third supporting idea. * Had the least autonomy since they were an Oligarchy. This meant that the wealthy plantation owners controlled the government because they were the only people who could manage to pay for all their own expenses. * Had a strict three class system: upper class wealthy plantation owners, middle class small plantation owners, lower class poor whites and a population of Blacks which were not considered a class at all. * Their economy was shaped around the growing of tobacco, rice, and the slave trade. FRQ #6 Topic: â€Å"Geography was the primary factor in shaping the development of the British colonies in North America.† Assess the validity of this statement for the 1600’s. Thesis: Geography played an important role in the making of the British colonies in North America. In some areas, the geography influenced the living and farming conditions for the better, and for some areas, for the worse. Geography in the New England is the first supporting idea. * The land on which the New England colonies were situated was rocky, heavily forested, and therefore, not suited for planting. The cold climate did not help. As a result, New England’s economy did not depend on the land as much as other colonies did. Instead of making their living by farming, New Englanders were loggers, fishers, whalers, and shipbuilders. Geography in the Middle Colonies is the second supporting idea. * The Middle colonies, however, fared off much better. The Middle colonies’ land was very fertile and very much suited for farming and planting. The climate was warm, too. So of course the Middle Colonies were nicknamed the Breadbasket Colonies: They produced the majority of the bread and wheat of all the British colonies. They also had a good amount of iron ore in their land. Geography in the Southern Colonies is the third supporting idea. * The Southern colonies’ geography was well-suited to farming, too. It was warm year round and provided a great place to produce cotton, indigo, rice, and many other crops.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Colombia Essay Essay

Colombia is a country in South America in the northwestern part of the continent. Colombia has a lot of natural resources, including beautiful beaches, dramatic mountains, and lush rain forests, but it is known for its political unrest and the violent influence of powerful drug cartels. Despite a long history of democratic government, Colombia has one of the most rigidly stratified class systems in Latin America. Colombia is the only country in South America with coasts on both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Its neighbors on the east are Venezuela and Brazil; on the south, Ecuador and Peru; and to the northwest, Panama. The capital and largest city is Bogota. Colombian society is divided between the upper and lower classes, with a large and growing gap between them. A substantial middle class developed during the 20th century, a product in part of fairly widespread land ownership associated with the country’s coffee economy. Many of the attitudes that led to Colombia’s sharp class divisions originated in 16th-century Spain and became ingrained in Colombian society during the colonial period. Family lineage, inherited wealth, and racial background continue to be powerful determinants of status. Economic progress during the last 100 years has been substantial, but political, social, and economic power continues to be concentrated in the hands of the small upper class. Since the mid-20th century, Colombia has been torn by violence. Struggles between left-wing guerrillas, right-wing paramilitary groups, and the Colombian armed forces have convulsed much of the countryside. Colombia has also been plagued by an illegal drug trade that flourished in the country as a consequence of the growing demand for narcotics, particularly cocaine, in the United States and other rich, industrialized countries. The Colombian government has attempted to limit drug production and negotiate a peaceful settlement with the rebel forces. At the beginning of the 21st century, however, Colombia still experienced upheaval, and violence had become a daily experience for many Colombians. The total land area of Colombia is 440,831 sq mi. Colombia lies almost entirely in what is known as the Torrid Zone, the area of the earth’s surface between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The climate, however, varies with elevation. The low regions along the coast and the deep Pata and Magdalena river valleys are extremely hot, with average annual temperatures of 24 deg; to 27 deg C (75 deg; to 81 deg F). From about 500 to 2,300 m (about 1,500 to 7,500 ft) the  climate is subtropical, and from about 2,300 to 3,000 m (about 7,500 to 10,000 ft) it is temperate. Above about 3,000 m (about 10,000 ft) is the cold-climate zone, where temperatures range from -18 deg to 13 deg C (0 deg to 55 deg F). About half of Colombia’s land is forested. To the north and west of the Andes, tropical forests line the major riv ers and fringe the coastal areas. East of the Andes, the forests become denser as they approach the Orinoco and Amazon rivers. Pastureland occupies about 40 percent of the country and is mostly located in the basins between the Andean highlands. Cropland accounts for a mere 4.1 percent of the land, with no more than 1.7 percent supporting permanent crops. Most of the arable land is found in patches on the Andean mountainsides. The mineral resources of the country are varied and extensive. Colombia ranks as the world’s major source of emeralds, most of which are mined in the western department of Boyac. Other significant reserves include petroleum and natural gas, located mostly in the northeast. Most coal deposits are located on the Guajira peninsula on the country’s northeast coast. Gold and silver are found dispersed in veins throughout the central highlands. Iron ore, salt, platinum, and uranium are other important natural resources of Colombia. Colombia contains several fertile low-lying valleys, but only 4.1 percent of the country’s land area, chiefly at higher elevations, is cultivated. The country’s agricultural regions suffer from soil exhaustion and erosion. These problems stem largely from slash-and-burn farming methods, in which forestland is cleared by cutting down and burning the existing plants. Colombia is divided into 32 departments and one capital district. Colombia’s capital and largest city is Bogota, an industrial center with a population (2000 estimate) of 6,422,198. Located on a mountain plateau in the Cordillera Oriental, it is the heart of cultural and political life in Colombia. Cali (2,128,920) lies in the Cauca Valley. The city began as a center for coffee production, but it later developed as the commercial heart of the entire southern region. Medellà ­n (1,885,001), situated in a highland valley of the Cordillera Central, ranks as the most important economic area. Originally settled by migrants from Cartagena, Medellà ­n grew into a gold-mining town, a general commercial settlement, and finally an important manufacturing center. Other important commercial cities include Barranquilla  (1,549,197), which boasts a seaport and a major international airport, and Cartagena (829,476), a seaport and oil pipeline terminal. The Colombian population has a dive rse racial makeup. About 58 percent of the people are mestizo (of mixed European and Native American ancestry), about 20 percent are of unmixed European ancestry, and about 14 percent are mulatto (of mixed black and European ancestry). Blacks account for 4 percent of the population, mixed black and Native Americans for 3 percent, and unmixed Native Americans for 1 percent. The main religion in Colombia is Roman Catholicism; about 96 percent of the people are Roman Catholics. Although it is not the official state religion, Roman Catholicism is taught in all public schools. Small Protestant and Jewish minorities exist. Coffee is still Colombia’s principal crop, although Colombia was recently surpassed by Vietnam as the second largest coffee producer in the world after Brazil. Colombia remains the world’s leading producer of mild coffee, but in the mid-1990s petroleum became the country’s largest source of foreign income. In the mid-1970s coffee accounted for 80 percent of Colombia’s export earnings; by the early 2000s coffee brought in less than 10 percent of export earnings. High production costs and low international prices combined to reduce the earnings of Colombian coffee growers. Coffee is cultivated chiefly on mountain slopes from about 900 to 1,800 m (about 3,000 to 6,000 ft) above sea level, principally in the departments of Caldas, Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Norte de Santander, Tolima, and Santander. More than 150,000 mainly small coffee plantations extend over approximately 1 million hectares (approximately 2.5 million acres). Coffee output totaled 702,000 metric tons in 2003, with most of the exported coffee going to the United States. While coffee is Colombia’s leading agricultural product, the country’s diverse climate and topography permit cultivation of a wide variety of other crops. Annual production of principal cash crops in addition to coffee includes cacao bean s (47,000 metric tons), sugarcane (36.6 million), tobacco (29,000), cotton (100,000), bananas, and cut flowers. Chief food crops are rice (2.5 million), cassava (1.8 million), potatoes (2.9 million), and plantains. Plants producing pita, sisal, and hemp fibers, used in the manufacture of cordage and coarse sacking material, are also cultivated. The livestock included cattle, hogs, sheep, and horses. The production of drug-related crops took on significant proportions starting in the 1970s  with the cultivation of marijuana. Although Colombia has become notorious for its cocaine supply, the processing of coca leaves was more significant than actual coca plant cultivation in the country until the mid-1990s. As the supply of coca, primarily from Peru and Bolivia, was disrupted, coca growing in Colombia increased significantly. Opium poppies, used to make heroin, also became a significant source of revenue despite government efforts to stop their cultivation. It was estimated that from 1980 to 1995 the value of illegal drug exports amounted to almost half the value of Colombia’s legal exp orts. Colombia’s government has undergone several changes since the mid-20th century. One of the most significant was the adoption of a new constitution in 1991. The new constitution replaced the 1886 constitution and provided for a more decentralized, pluralistic, and democratic government. Colombian governments also had to contend with major changes in the national economy. After 1980 Colombia began exporting large amounts of illegal drugs, primarily cocaine. The estimated value of illegal drug exports amounted to almost half the value of Colombia’s legal exports from 1980 to 1995. Earnings from the drug trade helped Colombia avoid the debt crisis that afflicted much of Latin America during the 1980s. But by cheapening the dollar and thereby overvaluing the Colombian peso, the drug trade also undermined the competitiveness of Colombia’s legal exports by making them more expensive than similar exports from other countries.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Responding to the global economic crisis can lead to a more Essay

Responding to the global economic crisis can lead to a more sustainable economy - Essay Example Financial break down occurred in these countries towards the middle of 2007 and intensified in the next year. The crisis had changed the economic working in most of these nations and led to stagnation of their economic growth (Obstfeld, Cho, and Mason 2012, 1). Bankruptcy filing by some of the largest financial institutions in the world, such as the Lehman Brothers and the Northern Rock, caused a steep collapse in the financial structure in the country and has triggered a global panic. It has disrupted the international trade pattern. The countries that take part in international trade are interlinked to one another through trade relations. Therefore the impact of recession created in the advanced countries owing to their economic and financial failure, have also spread to the other developing nations. This has brought in a recessionary pressure in the whole world (Takagi 2009). Financial crisis and recession in 2007 The twenty first century has been notified as â€Å"the era of gre at modernization†. However, these courses of events have caused concern about the economic growth pattern in the countries around the world. Depression in the business cycle in these cases has extended for more than four quarters (which is considered the maximum period of time for which an economy might stay in recession) (Arcega 2013). The future of the global economy is under lots of debates and discussion and experts opine that imbalances in the international trade pattern and overheating of the global economic structure and pose considerable importance on the economic future of all the countries. Hence, it is implied that the governments in these countries are required to take policy initiatives in response to this financial downturn in order to bring back stability in their economies (Obstfeld, Cho and Mason 2012, 2). In this context it has to be mentioned that the economic crunch has cast influence on the issue of sustainable development. The years prior to the financial crisis had witnessed good growth rate in the United States in terms of GDP. The GDP is commonly used as a measure of economic growth. The ideal growth rate of GDP is that particular rate of growth of the total national output, which is sustainable (Amadeo 2013). Macroeconomic policies therefore bear close connotation to sustainability issues (Eichengreen 2010). The financial crisis of 2007 has been compared by several experts to a bug that has eroded the hard earned benefits of good economic growth achieved by these economies prior to 2007. However, the more important question facing researchers and policy makers is that whether these development goals have been consistent with the concept of sustainable development. Sustainability and sustainable development The Federal government of the United States has applied the neo classical economic theory for attaining deep understanding of the economic issues occurring in these countries and curving out solutions from the fundamentals of this theory. The neo classical economic theory involves the dual notion of allocation of resources in the free market from within the resource endowment of the economy and the price system followed in such a market economy (Endres 2002, 6). Concept of sustainability Sustainability refers to the constraints put on the inter-temporal distribution of available resources that are used by the mankind for fulfillment of their current desires and requirements (Howarth 2010, 448). There are various notions about the concept of sustainability and these concepts are subjected to the economical, geographical, political, social and cultural precincts of each particular nation. Therefore, there is no strict and bounded definition of sustainability.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Democratic Capitalism and Individual Liberty 201 Essay

Democratic Capitalism and Individual Liberty 201 - Essay Example Thomas Paine in Common Sense argued North America was a â€Å"natural manufactory† where laying out money to build a navy was paramount because it would protect commerce (Paine 36). Thus, free trade and individualism go hand in hand with each other but when businesses are not allowed to fail, the result is socialism. When Alexis de Tocqueville toured the U. S. in the 1830s he was impressed with Americans’ industriousness. However, de Tocqueville also saw problems of having slaves as part of a southern workforce. The white Ohioan, as de Tocqueville put it, â€Å"is obliged to exist by his own exertions† while the â€Å"Kentuckian scorns . . . labour [and] lives in an idle independence† (Casper & Davies 117). As the nation grew, laws, such as the abolition of slavery in 1865 and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in 1892, promoted individualism and fair play in business. The recent government bailout did not promote individualism and goes directly against Smith’s idea that when regulations are â€Å"completely taken away, the obvious and simple system of natural liberty establishes itself of its own accord† (Burton & Dworkin 145). Allowing business to fail is the natural order of supply and demand. When businesses are not allowed to fail, but propped up with a supply of government money, the system is no longer individualistic but

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Using ECOWAS as a Trading Bloc Discuss the Challenges that Coursework

Using ECOWAS as a Trading Bloc Discuss the Challenges that Globalization Poses to Economic Integration - Coursework Example Using ECOWAS as a trading block discuss the challenges that globalization poses to economic integration ECOWAS was established in 1975 in Lagos, Nigeria, with fifteen members joining; it utilizes three languages, English, Portuguese, and French. Its membership has remained stagnant, with only one additional member and one withdrawal. The main objective of ECOWAS is the promotion of economic integration in agriculture, commerce, transport, and natural resources among others. Generally, ECOWAS countries enjoy free movement of goods, which is tariff free, and therefore, reduction of trade barriers is evident among these countries. ECOWAS will be celebrating the 35th anniversary this year, with some of its achievements being suppression of custom duties and taxes, and economic growth. According to Mark, globalization can be defined as the process of continuous integration of countries globally, mainly influenced by technological change and trade liberalization. Technological changes are evident with globalization trend; indeed, improvement in transportation network and technology reduces t he transportation costs. The existence of globalization has fostered international trade, which has led to knowledge acquisition, especially for African countries, and as a result, fostering development in these countries. However, globalization is also accompanied with various challenges, especially to economic integration. ... This paper will discuss the Challenges that globalization poses to economic integration using ECOWAS as a trading block. ECOWAS as a trading block Economic integration involves the abolishment of trade barriers, which include tariff and non-tariff barriers, with an aim of enhancing the flow of goods and services between member nations. ECOWAS’ main aim is economic integration; competition law has been introduced by the organization, which comprises of a set of rules and regulations aimed at encouraging free and fair markets, equal competition condition, promotion of allocative efficiency, maximization of consumer welfare, and ensuring transparency and fairness (ECOWAS, N.d, p.3). Therefore, ECOWAS has regulated competition as a form of ensuring fairness and equality. Economic Integration or regionalism Economic integration enables member states to have a wide selection of goods and services at low costs due to reduced tariffs. In addition, economic integration encourages trade among nations. Moreover, employment opportunities are created through trade liberalization that leads to the expansion of markets. Market expansion yields to investments in other nations, thereby creating job opportunities for citizens of the host country. Countries that trade together can provide solutions for issues such as political instability, which may be affecting a trade partners. The agreement to manage and control trade, monetary policies, and fiscal policies is advantageous; for instance, trade is given a chance to progress, thus, acquisition of goods and services at low costs becomes a possible mission. Such agreements, for instance in ECOWAS, lead to long lasting relationship between countries, which can also lead to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Patient Teaching Information handout Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Patient Teaching Information handout - Essay Example The changes that affect bowel movement result in discomfort and other abnormalities that are identified as symptoms. These also offer a basis for understanding IBS and its diagnosis. According to Anderson, Keller, Pehl, Schemann, Preiss, and Layer, existence of three conditions defines the disorder and guides its diagnosis. The authors explain that existence of IBS is a consequence of three factors. The patient must have reported chronic symptoms that a physician associates with the gut and that result in abnormal bowel characteristics. The symptoms must further be significant to compel a patient to seek medical attention or to cause the patient to worry and must have adverse effects on the patient’s quality of life. Further, it must be established that the reported symptoms are not associated with any other health complication. The authors identifies â€Å"diarrhea,† â€Å"constipation,† â€Å"pain,† â€Å"bloating, and distension,† as the major sy mptoms towards diagnosis, though many other complications may initiate the symptoms (Anderson, et. Al., 2011, p. 755). A consideration of abdominal pain that ceases upon defecation or changes with bowel movements together with at least any two of the following symptoms further supports existence of irritable bowel syndrome. The symptoms are changes in tool passage, â€Å"abdominal bloating,† deterioration of symptoms after meals, and â€Å"passage of mucus† (National Institute for Health and Clinical Experience, 2008, p. 12). Existence of these basic symptoms strongly suggests presence of the bowel disorder and tests are likely to confirm diagnosis. Reliance of the symptoms alone is enhanced by evaluation of â€Å"red flags,† a term that refers to those factors that indicate existence of a secondary complication to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Unexplained loss of weight that exceeds seven pounds, problems with swallowing, blood spots in the stool, abnormal stool th at may be â€Å"pale, very smelly, and difficult to flush away† are of the symptoms that may indicate existence of secondary complications (Talley, 2006, p. 26). Other indicators of secondary complications are â€Å"repeated vomiting, fever,† late onset of the symptoms and require tests for accurate diagnosis of IBS (Talley, 2006, p. 26). Genetic susceptibility to cancer, disturbed sleep because of symptoms and severe diarrhea are other indicators of secondary complications (Talley, 2006). The red flags could results from such complications as â€Å"chronic infectious enterocotilis,† â€Å"Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease,† â€Å"gastrointestinal tumors, mesenteric ischemia, porphyria, endometriosis, and ovarian tumor† (Anderson, et. al., 2011, p. 753, 754). Clinical tests such as full blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, c-reactive protein and antibody testing for celiac disease are conducted to eliminate possibil ity of these complications (National Institute for Health and Clinical Experience, 2008, p. 11). Is the tests are negative for their respective complications then this confirms diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in a patient. There is no cure for the disorder but treatment strategies exist for managing the symptoms. Eating behavior is one of the treatment methods and involves application

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Theatre Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Theatre Assignment - Essay Example The plot of this film is good. The events are interconnected to bring forward a systematic story that unfolds as it is presented to the audience. The script of seven bride’s seven brothers makes a lot of sense and simple to understand and follow. Though it is difficult to predict the next event or scene, the play is comical and is ensemble into perfect showcase. The theme as presented relates to marriage and the message brought out relate to cultural differences of backgrounds that affect the way of life in societies. The film is unrealistic. The seven brothers are depicted as overly wild and as manner less. It is impossible to convert the waywardness of the brothers in their own surroundings. ``The fundamentals of production involve incorporating the audience in the formation of the film’’ Edwin in his first chapter states the fundamentals of an audience when developing a film (Wilson, pg. 38). He urges students to be active theater goers so as to know the techniques of production and the role of the audience. The actors in the movie are well presented and the characters brought out in them portray the theme. Millie for instance is brought out to portray a young, diligent and enthusiastic lady who desires change and smooth transition from her urban life to farm life. The character of an enduring and dutiful wife portrayed my Millie is believable and good on stage. The setting of this movie in the wilderness brings out the rugged terrain and the environment of a farm where the bride is not used to. The lighting of the movie is great and the mise-en scene is real. The costumes used in the play show a transition of both urban and farm life and bring out the distinguishing features of both surroundings. The performance is done in a open space so as to show the vastness of the farm. Spacing between the events is also suitable and the music used in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Moral Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Moral Model - Essay Example the principle of nonmaleficence or harm to the patient (Caplan & Arp, 2013); if the healthcare provider in some way forces the patient to agree to undergo transfusion, s/he has defied the principle of autonomy or the right of the patient to decide for him/herself (Treas & Wilkinson, 2013). Hence the judgment that the healthcare provider should make is whether to agree to the patient’s wishes, look for legal means to administer transfusion without the consent of the patient, or look for the most appropriate middle ground or compromise. This essay will use the MORAL model to generate several options or choices for the resolution of the moral dilemma. First is identifying and describing the aspects of the moral dilemma—(M) massage the dilemma. The values in conflict are respect for physical life and individual autonomy. The healthcare provider gives importance to both principles of nonmaleficence and autonomy. The healthcare provider completely understands the patient’s condition that is triggering the need for blood transfusion. However, s/he does not have sufficient time to decide because the situation was all too sudden. It seems that the patient is not aware of the full situation and does not know that it will be fatal if transfusion is not administered. Still, as stated in the core principles that healthcare professionals must take into consideration when making medical decisions with patients who refuse blood transfusions, a completely competent, fully informed adult patient is authorized to make a decision whether to agree to a medical treatment or not (Corey et al., 2014). The healthcare provider should then outline the options. The healthcare provider has to provide a summary of the emergency condition of the patient and specify some of the medical options available. First are non-blood medical options. The patient may agree to non-blood volume expanders like Dextran, Saline, Haemacel, and so on (Wilkinson & Treas, 2010). Second option is products

Medicare Background Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medicare Background - Term Paper Example The plan provided health care to a special group of people, the seniors who were above 65 years of age and to the disables bellow 65 years. Medicare and Medicaid bills were then signed into law and ex-president Truman was the first to register for the program. The scheme has increasingly covered up to 45 million people by 2007. It cost the federal government lots of billions of dollars to give service claims (Merck, 2007). Part A, of the program, covers inpatient medical services including those hospitalized and those in a nursing home in sub-cute status. This category of people had certified work requirement and their contribution to the plan was through payment of Medicare tax deducted directly from the employer. Part B covers outpatient treatments. They pay monthly premiums and gets government subsidy. Part C had an array of health insurance plan from through traditional to network insurance model. Part D was initiated in 2006 and covers outpatients. The benefit here is delivered through plans from the private sector. Enrolment in this part is free just as in part C. (Star, 1982). The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services were established to control on administration and the smooth running of the healthcare program. The center was to carry out the nationwide framework to conduct effective background checks on prospective patients who were direct access employees (Theodor, 2000). The employees were beneficiaries of a long-term care plan (LTC.). LTC services included perfect nursing facilities, provision of skilled nursing, home health agency, and providers of personal care services.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Intelligence Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Intelligence Analysis - Assignment Example Revelations have been put forward by experts amidst the lack of evidence to prove it. They have only been major suspicions with no supportive evidence. In the midst of these allegations, the western media has built up pressure by its view on Iran. A mock US aircraft carrier has been the source of media frenzy in the West with claims that its purpose was to initiate â€Å"black propaganda† and a means to signify mistrust. On the other hand, Iranian media clarified what it was stating that it was just a movie prop. In the continuing face of the ongoing negotiation over Iran’s contentious nuclear program, allegations that have long been running under have come into the limelight. The allegations are that Iran is a major player in the acts of terrorism targeting Western nations. However, analysts say that it has never gotten much of the U.S. government’s attention at all. The issue is quite intriguing as the two, Iran and terrorists are deemed enemies, but on the other hand, in the eyes of the West, terrorism provides a platform for the two to work in association. These allegations have been put forward by the 9/11 investigating commission, Canadian investigators with the commission recommending that the U.S. government investigates further the ties between Iran and al –Qaida and the investigators alleging that two men involved with plans to derail a train had been receiving guidance for al – Qaida members in Iran. All these have been allegations. However, the only U. S. government to present a concrete case linking Iran to terrorism is the Treasury Department that connected an Iran – based terrorist as a main al – Qaida facilitator (Seldin, Iran’s Ties To Terror Shadow Nuclear Talks). As for the manner in which Western media views Iran, Iran is portrayed in a negative manner. CNN claimed that the mock carrier been built Iran is been done intentionally at a time when negotiations are ongoing over

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marketing Strategy Essay Example for Free

Marketing Strategy Essay From the table above it is evident that the decline of the economy segment has had little impact on Hein and Mann because their main target market entails exclusive and export markets. The score of 18 shows that there has been a huge impact of the competitor marketing campaigns to increase awareness on middle section segment of Hein and Mann, hence there have limited target market and are not able to reach a wider potential target market. The weight of 18 has a negative impact on Hein and Mann as there are losing their main target customers who purchase exclusive furniture, such as executives and professionals who are being retrenched and leaving South Africa. The score of 32% shows that Hein and Mann have shown growth in export business and expansion of their product range in the UK would competitive advantage in the market. Slow service delivery score 32 which means that Hein and Mann has faced low turnover of customers as most of them are considering using other suppliers who deliver on time promised and offer discounts. The score of 28 shows, that customer relationship with customers is important. However Hein and Mann do not show empathy towards customers. This in turn results in low turnover of customers. 2. Industry analysis of Hein and Mann Threat of new entrants There are many barriers that include high entry costs, in this case new entries in the furniture business would not succeed because heavy investment is required in marketing and purchasing equipment. This is an advantage for Hein and Mann as there have a guaranteed higher position in the industry. This is so because there have been operating in the industry for a long time and have vast experience, equipment, loyal customers and clients are aware of them in the market place. Hence the extent to which barriers to entry exist, the more difficult it is for other furniture firms to enter the market, therefore, Hein and Mann can make relatively high profits. Bargaining power of suppliers Hein and Mann as suppliers produce exclusive and quality pine furniture, this in turn makes them acquire a distinctive image in the industry. It could be difficult for dealers to switch to other suppliers in the industry because of the loyalty of customers to Hein and Mann furniture, therefore Hein and Mann would make profit because there are few alternatives of furniture firms that dealers would switch to. Competitive Intensity or rivalry Hein and Mann is faced with rivalry as there is increase of competition between existing firms, this proves to be a challenge to generate high profit because companies such as Furniture City and Beares are opting to switch to other suppliers that provide discounts and value customer relationships. Threats from substitute of buyers Hein and Mann customers, such as beares and Furniture City have shown the ease with which they can switch to another supplies of furniture. This is so because customers perceive other alternatives to be similar to Hein and Mann furniture. The furniture industry for Hein and Mann is attractive, as there have experience in the industry and understand the market in which there are operating in. 3. Market Orientation Market orientation is defined as is an organisational culture dedicated to delivering superior customer value, that is concentrating on designing and selling products that satisfy customer needs in order to be profitable, (Gronroos, 2010). In relation to the case study on Hein and Mann, it is evident that there do not value customers as there show no empathy and provide slow services and do not consider to implement new strategies such as offering discounts such as their competitors. However the products that they design are of high quality which shows that they sell products that satisfy their target markets. Advantages of market orientation * According to Wang amp; Ahmed (2009) an organisation that is market oriented has improved market-sensing capabilities and thus improved market responsiveness, particularly in more hostile and unpredictable environments. * An organisation through market research will have a strong understanding of the needs of the customer and this would reduce product failure as new products have a greater chance of gaining success in the market, (Modi amp; Mishra, 2010). An organisation that is market oriented is flexible to changes in the environment as it enables to adapt and adjust successfully, (Wang amp;Ahmed, 2009). Disadvantages of market orientation * For an organisation to be market oriented it is highly expensive. As extensive market research, to understand the market need to be conducted, (Gronroos, 2010). * An organisation has to constantly change internally as needs of the market are met. * Risk of underestimating the market and the consumer can be a re sult of market orientation, which might led to product failure.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Definition Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

Definition Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Water pollution is the presence of any substances in water which can be harmful for plants and animals that live in water or people who use it. In other word it is the change in the chemical or physical properties of the water and this change can lead to cause damage and health hazards to animals and plants that live inside it or organisms that use it. (1) Importance of the Nile River for Egypt The Nile River is the primary water resource in Egypt, where it represents more than 95% of the total water resources in Egypt and it is the lifeline for Egypt and there are many reasons for its importance which are: Egyptians depends on it to acquire fresh water to use it for various purposes such as drinking, cooking, cleaning and other household uses. Use it for agriculture where fertile land formed around the Nile River and they irrigated by Nile River. The Nile River is an important source of fish. It is used in water transportation because it passes from south to north Egypt. Industry in Egypt depends a lot on the waters of the Nile River. Recently after the construction of the High Dam became the Nile River is an important source for generating electricity to Egypt. (2) (1) (2) Causes of pollution There are many sources of water pollution in Nile River. Industry Wastewater: Industry is an important user of water. In same time is an important producer of pollution. Water is very important in industry. Water demand for industry was 3.6 Billion Cubic Meters BCM/year in 2000. And they expect to be 5.5 Billion Cubic Meters BCM/year in 2017. So, when industry increases, the water demands increase.(1) Municipal Wastewater In the city, the water which used by people going down through various treatment processes to make it healthy as possible before release it back to environment. Treating water is help to minimize the negative effects of wastewater on the environment. However, some poor cities along Nile River cannot use treatment facilities which are expensive for them. The only way they can use it is dumped in the river without treated. (2) Statistics show that, all governments generate 3.5 Billion Cubic Meters BCM/year of wastewater. Of these wastewater 1.6 Billion Cubic Meters BCM/year receives treatment. In 2017, 1.7 Billion Cubic Meters BCM/year will receive treatment. Although the capacity will increase but it will not be able to covers all wastewater. As it is show in table (1) the number of people serves increase and number of people not served increase because increasing in population. (3) So, it will not be able to decline the amount of wastewater that is not receiving treatment. (1) Table (1) : Projections of Wastewater Treatment Coverage Year Population People Serves People Not Served 1997 60 Million 18 Million 42 Million 2017 83 Million 39 Million 44 Million Agriculture Wastewater Agriculture is larger consumer of water. And it is in same time contributed in water pollution. Runoff from the agricultural sector frequently contains pollutants that may have an adverse effect on the river. Pollutants such as salts, nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen, and pesticide residue can be found in this runoff. Agricultural runoff often is a non-point pollutant, in that it can come from anywhere in a region, and not from a specific drain. This can make it difficult to There are also problems associated with agricultural runoff seeping into the groundwater as well. (2) Effect of population There are many effect of Nile river pollution. Some of these effects are: The presence of oil on the surface of the river works as a buffer between the sun and the plants. This leads to death of fish and Lack of food for humans. In addition, that will decrease the number of fishermen Many fishermen have either left their jobs altogether or migrated, el-Fikky said. (3) The solid waste thrown in the river hinder the movement of fishermen net and torn nets which reduces the amount of fish and increase the cost on the fishermen. Saed said he usually catches 2kg of fish a day that equal to US$165 a month, but over the past few months he has had an additional headache: his net needs replacing not every month as in the past but every few days, costing him up to $144 a month. The Nile river is source for drinking but because it polluted by human that could cause a harmful effect on human and cause a dangerous diseases. Not only for people whose drink from it but also for people who eat fish or plant from it. (1) Abstract Water pollution is a serious problem for the entire world. And it is considered to be one of the most dangerous hazards affecting Egypt. The pollution of Nile River is increase especial in the past few decades. Although the Egyptians love the Nile River a lot and it is important for them, not only in economic terms but it has a significant meaning for them. But this did not protect it from pollution. In this report I will explain the meaning of water pollution. Then, I will take about the important of Nile River. After that, I will talk about causes of Nile River pollution which are industry wastewater, municipal wastewater and agriculture wastewater. Final, I will take about effect of Nile River pollution. Introduction Over two thirds of Earths surface is covered by water; less than a third is taken up by land. As Earths population continues to grow, people are putting ever-increasing pressure on the planets water resources. One of these fresh water resources is Nile River. Water is essential for life. No organism can live without it. Water pollution is problem effect human, animals and plants. And it caused by different resource. In these report I will try to find the main causes of water pollution in Nile River and the effect of that pollution. Summary In the summary, as you see all water pollution in Nile rive and in any place in the world created by human and then he try again to solve it what he already create. I advice all people to maintain the environment. And keep the water clean. Conclusion Arent we aware of the different problems occurring in our nature, especially in different bodies of water? Water pollution is the cause of our undisciplined actions and irresponsibility. We, humans are only creating problems that consequently we will also carry the burden of these problems. We all know that water pollution can affect our health badly and seriously. The solution for all environmental problems is not created. UAE University Faculty of Science Department of Biology Principles of Environmental Science Done by: Shaikha Mohammed. ID: 201003128. Instructor: Dr. Tarek Youssef.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Using Environmental Management For Businesses

Using Environmental Management For Businesses Human beings depend on nature for various purposes like food, water, clothing, shelter and even the air to breath. But, the unintended impacts of human actions are now creating a number of environmental issues like global warming, tropical deforestation, toxic waste disposal, ozone depletion and so on. These environmental issues, in turn, cause increased awareness of the importance of environmental ethics, pertaining to the moral relation between human beings and their natural environment (Stewart, p. 154), and increased awareness of the importance of minimizing the impacts on environment arising out of the activities of manufacturing industries, supply chains, transportation, government etc. Manufacturing industries and business organizations cause major environmental issues and therefore effective Environmental Management has recently been viewed as imperative for businesses. This piece of research paper is an attempt to address the need and importance of environmental management for businesses, and outline the benefits of using such management system for business organizations. Environmental Management As Barrow noted, environmental management, a significant part of environmental ethics, is a system of efforts that attempt to minimize the negative environmental impacts of the products and services that a business is related with (p. 33). When companies are manufacturing large volume of goods by using of various technologies, it causes major issues of waste disposal, toxic wastes, air, water and environmental pollution and so on that in turn ultimately cause major environmental issues of global warming, ozone depletion etc. the fundamental concept of environmental management is that negative impacts of organizational activities on its environment should be minimized, energy to be saved, waste to be disposed effectively or to be renewed and environmental pollution to be avoided. In a broader sense, environmental management system that a business implements not only saves human being life, but also, keeps sustainable environment for animals, species and all others living beings in the earth. Environmental management is essentially a significant part of business ethics and corporate social responsibility, because, the operation of the business should never be harmful to the environment and social life. Ryding emphasized that a business, when it is socially responsible and ethical, must have commitment to keep sustainable environment. He suggested that a good corporate citizen must be socially and ethically committed to conduct operations in order to avoid serious damage to the environment and social life (p. 536). Business organizations, regardless of small or large, nationals or multinationals, should set up a system approach, by taking a group of people to be involved in and by setting certain organizational goals and standards to be achieved by them in order to make the company more ethical, socially responsible and morally committed to its environment (Tinsley, p. 2). In recent days, green business concept, environmental management and ISO 14001 have gained significant attention among the corporate giants. ISO 14001 is a specific and systematic international standards for environmental management, providing a framework on how a business can implement environmental management at corporate levels. The environmental management in a business can be effectively implemented if there are well defined policies, good communication among its members, strong desire from the management and social and ethical commitment towards sustainable environment. Importance of using environmental management for businesses The environmental management at corporate levels would be a system approach aligned with strategies, actions and managerial activities that aim at eliminating the impacts of business operation and its products or services on the environment. There are large numbers of electronic machines, plastic products, household goods, food items and chemicals that cause major pollution to the environment or dispose toxic and dangerous wastes or even cause major health issues to the humans. By effectively implementing the environmental management system or ISO 14001, these pollution and environmental issues can be eliminated up to a greater extent and can do justice to the occupants of the earth, including humans, animals and all other living beings. It shows that environmental management at business level can obviously help enhance environmental ethics. Businesses today face rigorous competition from counterparts that causing them to put any potential efforts that can help them achieve competitive advantages. Businesses require environmental management as an effective tool for achieving its competitive advantages because customers that they face are increasingly aware of environment and products and services that are environment-friendly. To be more specific, a business that fails to meet specific requirements of its customers pertaining to providing goods and services that are conforming to the environmental ethics, will lose its market. In contrast, a business with effective environmental management will eventually be socially responsible, ethical and thus to be able to achieve competitive advantages too. It also can be perceived that environmental management is helpful for businesses to create customer loyalty and reputation through satisfying their needs. Secondly, environmental management helps maintain healthy communication among the members of the organization, because people or workforce of the business are more likely to like working environment that are goods for their health and work and this in turn motivate them to perform in their works. Thirdly, by implementing effective environmental management system and by conforming its standards to that of ISO 14001, it can be certified as ISO 14001 that gives greater values in international relations. Waste minimization, energy saving and effective waste disposal are some of the positive aspects of implementing environmental management for businesses. Waste minimization and effective waste disposal can help the business become socially more responsible, especially among the people who live nearby the business. These both result cost saving to the business as well, because, by minimizing wastes and through better disposal methods, the company will be able to cut its costs down. Environmental management encourages energy saving, that not only helps reduce pollution to the nature, but also cut down expenses of the business. Evaluative Conclusion Ethics is perhaps one of the hot buzzwords of today. Ethics relates to both business and environment. This piece of research work integrated environmental ethics and business ethics, detailing how environmental ethics can be enhanced by businesses through an effective environmental management system. This research paper has highlighted key benefits of implementing environmental management for the businesses.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens :: Great Expectations Essays

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is the story of Pip, a young orphan who lives with his sister Mrs. Joe and his brother-in-law, Joe. Pip's life changes completely when he meets Miss. Havishman and the girl who lives with her, named Estella. After visiting them, Pip's greatest ambition is transforming himself in a gentleman to gain Estella's love although she acts coldly and contemptuously towards him. Throughout the story violence surrounds the characters and their lives. Violence takes many forms and is understood differently by different cultures. According to Oxford Dictionary violence is "a violent behaviour intended to hurt or kill somebody". This definition is mainly about physical violence, which is the most spread type of violence in western cultures. In Great Expectations, for instance, one night, after an argument with Mrs. Joe, Orlick, Joe's assistant, attacks her so violently that she becomes invalid. Another example of physical violence takes place in Mrs. Havishma n's Satis house when Pip first meets Herbert Pocket and they fight without any reason. Estella also treats Pip violently in physical and verbal ways when she slaps him and uses words like ?You little coarse monster? (page 77, Ch. 11) or ?You little wretch? (page 78, Ch. 11) in addressing to him. Other forms of violence are more difficult to identify but they can be as harmful as physical violence. In Great Expectations, characters mainly use psychological and emotional violence to hurt the others. First, Estella hurts Pip?s emotions and feelings when she rejects him and acts coldly. Estella?s violent behaviour can be explained by the way she was raised by Mrs. Havishman. It is known the idea of Mahatman Gandhi about violence as the fear of other people?s ideals. This definition characterizes the way in which some of the characters in Great Expectations behave. For example, the eccentric Mrs. Havishman was left by her fiancà © just before their wedding and that is why she wants to t ake revenge on men. Estella is Mrs. Havishman?s tool for her revenge. The old woman teaches Estella to feel contempt for men and break their heart. This example shows how violence is used psychologically by Mrs. Havishman who prevents Estella to fully demonstrate her feelings for Pip. Another instance of psychological violence is the way in which Mrs. Joe treats Pip. She blames him for having forced her to change her life since she had to take care of Pip when their parents died and she had to marry Joe. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens :: Great Expectations Essays Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is the story of Pip, a young orphan who lives with his sister Mrs. Joe and his brother-in-law, Joe. Pip's life changes completely when he meets Miss. Havishman and the girl who lives with her, named Estella. After visiting them, Pip's greatest ambition is transforming himself in a gentleman to gain Estella's love although she acts coldly and contemptuously towards him. Throughout the story violence surrounds the characters and their lives. Violence takes many forms and is understood differently by different cultures. According to Oxford Dictionary violence is "a violent behaviour intended to hurt or kill somebody". This definition is mainly about physical violence, which is the most spread type of violence in western cultures. In Great Expectations, for instance, one night, after an argument with Mrs. Joe, Orlick, Joe's assistant, attacks her so violently that she becomes invalid. Another example of physical violence takes place in Mrs. Havishma n's Satis house when Pip first meets Herbert Pocket and they fight without any reason. Estella also treats Pip violently in physical and verbal ways when she slaps him and uses words like ?You little coarse monster? (page 77, Ch. 11) or ?You little wretch? (page 78, Ch. 11) in addressing to him. Other forms of violence are more difficult to identify but they can be as harmful as physical violence. In Great Expectations, characters mainly use psychological and emotional violence to hurt the others. First, Estella hurts Pip?s emotions and feelings when she rejects him and acts coldly. Estella?s violent behaviour can be explained by the way she was raised by Mrs. Havishman. It is known the idea of Mahatman Gandhi about violence as the fear of other people?s ideals. This definition characterizes the way in which some of the characters in Great Expectations behave. For example, the eccentric Mrs. Havishman was left by her fiancà © just before their wedding and that is why she wants to t ake revenge on men. Estella is Mrs. Havishman?s tool for her revenge. The old woman teaches Estella to feel contempt for men and break their heart. This example shows how violence is used psychologically by Mrs. Havishman who prevents Estella to fully demonstrate her feelings for Pip. Another instance of psychological violence is the way in which Mrs. Joe treats Pip. She blames him for having forced her to change her life since she had to take care of Pip when their parents died and she had to marry Joe.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The United States in the Vietnam War Essay -- Essays Papers

The United States in the Vietnam War Many soldiers have been lost in the different wars that the United States has been involved. Although there have been many wars only one is unique from the others, it is known as the war that was never won or lost. The Vietnam War started out as a conflict but soon escalated into a full-fledged war. Many soldiers have been lost in the Vietnam War. The United States sent many soldiers into the jungles of Indochina trying to stop the spread of communism from the North Vietnamese. It all seems clear-cut, with the motives and sides easily seen but as the war lagged on, it seemed that the United States became involved, and essentially needed a draft. The United States involvement in the Vietnam War became greater as the drudgery of the war progressed. With more increased support it seemed as though the United States was making a difference, but many thought it was a lost cause. The United States became involved in the Vietnam War as early as the Geneva Accords in 1953. The Geneva accords basically stated that Vietnam was to hold elections to unify the country. These were drawn just after the Korean War. The French were initially involved and requested the support of the U.S. When the conflict began the U.S. sent in mostly ground troops and officers, it was a limited amount. "According to the terms of the Geneva Accords, Vietnam would hold national elections in 1956 to reunify the country"-Brigham, 1. The French and the British were both ready for the treaty to be signed and the conflict finally ended -Hess, 47. The Eisenhower administration used SEATO only as a way of stalling. They had basically, through the work on SEATO, created a whole new country out of the remains of the old Vietnam -Br... ...sed his popularity in office -Hess, 117. The United States had many fallen soldiers in the Vietnam War. Many people think that it was not the United States’ place to go into Vietnam and prevent the spread of communism from the North to South. Many French troops were stationed in the Jungles of Indochina and it was believed that they could take care of the crisis that was growing in Asia. What started out as a relief campaign, only sending minimal forces to Vietnam turned into a war with over 550,000 United States troops. The gradual introduction of troops to Vietnam, the Tet offensive, and Vietnamization were all major aspects of the war that the United States was drawn into. It is still considered by many as the war that no one has won, and maybe if the Eisenhower administration had not sent troops in initially, a lot of American soldier’s lives would be saved.

Business Analysis of Gulf States Metals Inc. Essay -- Papers Business

Business Analysis of Gulf States Metals Inc. Gulf States Metals Inc. (GSM) is a large nickel refinery plant that has suffered poor financial performance and is under the threat of being shut down by its parent company International Metals Inc. This paper aims to, firstly, analyse the issues that are contributing to the low performance, secondly, to provide some options for moving forward and thirdly, to present a set of substantiated recommendations. The analysis will be tackled through a multi-frame approach, incorporating a structural frame, human resource frame, political frame and symbolic frame as proposed by Bolman and Deal (1997). Structural Frame Analysis ========================= The structural frame asserts that organisations exist to achieve goals and objectives, and that they must be designed to fit the circumstances according to goals, technology and the environment. Organisations are thought to increase efficiency and enhance performance through specialisation and division of labour. To ensure that the divisions work together, appropriate forms of coordination and control are essential to ensure that individuals and units work together in service of organisational goals. The structural frame also assumes that problems, and performance gaps, arise from structural defects and can be remedied through restructuring (Bolman and Deal, 1997; Burnes, 1996). GSM's overall structure is hierarchical... ...ty based management. Harvard Business Review, March- April, 64-73 Sadler, P (1995) Managing Change. Kogan Page: London. Schneider, T. (2001) in H. Vines. HR Thinking: Industrial Design. HR Monthly, September, 14 Stace, D. and Dunphy, D. (2001) (2nd Edition) Beyond the Boundaries. McGraw-Hill: Roseville Tyson, S. and Fell, A (1995) A focus on skills not organizations. People Management, 43. Warrick, D.D. (2002) The illusion of doing well while the organization is regressing. Organization Development Journal, 20(1), 56-61 Waterman, R. H.Jr (1994) What Americadoes right: Learning from companies that put people first. Norton: New York. Weissman, V.L. (2000) The impact of facilitative leadership: Multi-rater measurement of behavioural outcomes of managerial-leaders. Dissertation Abstract, 95001,136

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Managing Change in a workplace

IntroductionManaging change in a workplace is usually instigated by any business organization so as to enhance its production purposes as well as service delivery. Therefore, change by the management necessitates a systematic planning and receptive implementation and consultation need to be carried out comprising the persons who are going to be involved by such anticipated changes. However, it should be noted change should not be forced since it may not bring the desired results to the organization.It is therefore important to initiate change measures which have to be realistic, achievable and quantifiable; such factors are significant particularly when bearing in mind individual change in management practices. Research indicates that individuals alter their ways particularly when they are persuaded to do so; therefore, for effective change to be achieved charismatic leaders should be encouraged to take up the roles of change agents in an organization. (Barbara and Jocelyne, 2006)Dis cussionFirms operate in highly uncertain environment and therefore change is inevitable in order to remain focus and prosper in there business undertakings. In the current business environment it has turn out to be more and more essential for different industries to embrace the concept of change and in particular its technology, innovation and marketing strategies so as   to sustain competitive advantage in order to prosper.Rivalry and demand in high quality goods and services has resulted to business environments to be incredibly dynamic in that it necessitates active businesses and systems to present successful reactions to such uncertain business environments by incorporating changes in such organizations in order to cope with such uncertain environments.Change is any business organization is something definite so that the industry in question can cope with new technologies and challenges that crop up with time. For instance, over the past International Business machines (IBM) was faced with high rivalry from its competitors which resulted to decrease of its market shares and thus low profitability margins.Despite the fact that, change concept is a risky business venture for any industry, research reveals that approximately 70% of new changes carried out by different industries succeed and it has proved to be vital to the success of such industries over the long run. IBM had to undergo organization changes despite the fact that it is a risky venture. IBM changed it managerial operations because of the exterior demands and forces; IBM therefore had to appraise its strategic choices so as to generate new and viable objectives that could ultimately increase the industry’s productivity levels. (Palmer and Akin, 2006)To carry out such new changes, IBM management selected the â€Å"Director image† of change to guide the firm in implementing such changes. The director was selected because the image allows the managers to go through the projected al terations by following required procedures through the cycles of suggested changes jointly with the human resources that are concerned for instance analysis of such changes, unfreezing and executing the changes.Furthermore such image of change offers the managers high control in planning the procedure of changes and also on implementing them. This ensures that the managers are in responsible of the activities and are able to ensure that the process is well followed and maintained. This ensures that the proposed changes are effectively implemented. The other advantage of this image of change is that it views results from the proposed changes as certainly achievable and thus does not leave room for doubts.In order to remain international and aggressive on the marketplace IBM had to put into practice some business improvement changes in the industry.   IBM therefore considered quality when it embarked on making changes in the business development section. IBM in the process identifie d certain new business improvement objective and then had to create a business strategy that incorporated the following approaches of development; sales improvement procedures, new product development processes, exploring new markets and structural changes.IBM also initiated improvement changes such as utilization of the concepts of e-commerce, building new and strong strategic alliances and fostered the expansion of distributions channels as well as instigating worldwide development business operations. Another aspect that IBM concentrated on in the past is that of acquiring both small and medium sized companies. IBM implemented all such internal changes in order to improve its market share as well as become a market leader in its industry and thus increase its profitability through increment in sales. (Dyer, 1984)Therefore, the business improvement changes executed by IBM Company to an enhancement in proceeds collections as its sales augmented because of improved market share. IBM Company by introducing such changes was also able to better the quality of its products to global standards as well as producing new products that met the growing needs of consumers.Procter and Gamble is another company that has embraced the concept of change and it is typical pharmaceutical business company which has profound know-how, expertise and established competences in the pharmaceutical industry. The company has effectively produced and sold a broad array of quality and new products e.g. Ziac, Enablex, Macrodantin and Asacol among other prescription products for the last twenty five years in the market.The company has consolidated or strengthen its market by gaining advantage over it’s main rivals in the market through meeting the needs of its customers, offering quality prescription products, employing competent employees, excellent management practices and through employing viable marketing strategies for example diversification thus expanding its market share.Pro cter and Gamble management have formulated business strategies that have in the process aided the company in increasing its sales. For example, the company has opted to market its products in particular segments in which it perceives to have competitive edge among its rivals rather than competing across the entire pharmaceutical market which was there initial strategy. This strategy has been enhanced by vigorous advertising campaigns by the company and the management have been able to monitor its products in the market thus they have concentrated more on those products which the customers buy frequently. (Clark and McKenny, 1995)Another change of business strategy that the company has utilized is that of utilizing the concept of technological changes brought about as a result of globalization. Since globalization has become a contemporary form of carrying out business, the concept of e-commerce has enabled the company market its products in its various markets without getting involv ed in tedious activities like traveling.For example through the internet, the company has been able to track and monitor the performance of its products in various countries and thus enabling them to make viable decisions on which markets to be done away with and which to retain. The company is also accredited with using advance marketing techniques for example over-the-counter method enhanced by the concept of internet marketing.Procter and Gamble Company have also focused on pricing strategies that have attracted many consumers of its products unlike in the past they used to focus only on quality of the products. In essence, the company’s change is that of trying to be a low cost producer in the pharmaceutical industry. Human resource being the most important asset in any organization, the employees of Procter and Gamble have also experienced new changes for instance the company has built a new motivation systemThe company has focused too on improving the welfare of its emp loyees in order to achieve good results from them. The company is also accredited with good and effective forecasting techniques for example they have utilized time series technique of extrapolating the future sales of the company’s products. Procter and Gamble too have transformed its revenues to free cash stream in front of intentions and thus they have outpaced its rivals in the market. (Maund, 2001)Despite the intense market rivalry, Procter and Gamble as a result of such changes in its operations it have diversified its products to many nations globally and in the process the management of the company has developed the best contemporary association accredited with unsurpassed competence in logical or scientific expansion and selling of its products. We can therefore deduce that the company has been successful and will continue to strive in the long-term by maintaining its overall growth regardless of the increasing outlay and the ever challenging competitive setting in t he pharmaceutical industry because of the changes they have effected. (Clark and McKenny, 1995)ConclusionHuman resource management plays a big part in achieving organizational change in order to guarantee effectiveness and efficiency in production purposes. Theoretical approaches should be applied in organizational learning in order to provide potential managers with adequate knowledge and skills on managing change. Organizational change has to be incorporated in all organizations and such changes can either be planned or unplanned depending on the state of affairs facing the organization.In this respect therefore, there is a greater requirement for this concept of organizational change because it forms the basis of success if it is put into practice well in any organization. This can be done by external or the internal change agents who are modernization agencies. These change agents have got various roles and challenges in the initiation of change in organizations. (Murray and Sch oonover, 1988)There are psychological and social psychological factors of individuals within the organization which affect individual responses to organizational change. All these have to be analyzed and managed in case they are affecting the change negatively. When they are affecting positively then they have to be enhanced. There are group and inter-group processes that are carried out in organizational change. All these issues if implemented excellently will result to the accomplishment of goals in organizations’ day to day operations. For any change to be successful the parties involved have to liaise together in order to form the whole part of anticipated changes. Therefore, change processes should be steady and ought to be sustained by facts, and statistics to support the desired change. (Timothy, 1996)ReferenceBarbara, S and Jocelyne, F. (2006): Organizational Change. 3rd Edition; Prentice HallClark, T. and McKenny, J. (1995):   Procter and Gamble- Improving consumer value through process redesign, Harvard Business School, Boston.Dyer, W, (1984): Strategies for Managing Change. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, IncMaund, L. (2001): An Introduction to Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice: Macmillan, PalgraveMurray, D. and Schoonover, S. (1988): Changing Ways: A Practical Tool For Implementing Change Within Organizations. New York, New York: AMACOM, A Division of American Management Association.Timothy, G. (1996): The Human Side of Change. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers.Palmer, I. and Akin, G. (2006): Managing organizational change; a multiple perspectives approach, McGraw- Hill Irwin

Friday, August 16, 2019

Cause and Effect- Steroids

Cause and Effect Analysis 1 A Cause and Effect Metacognative Analysis Bryan J. Critical Reading and Thinking, Section 409 March 11, 2010 Cause and Effect Analysis 2 Casual Metacognitive Analysis Introduction I am focusing on the cause and effect genre in this paper to inform the reader about steroids and how they have become a common phenomenon among athletes. What some people may not know are the negative effects steroids have on a person’s intellectual/spiritual, social-emotion, and physical appearance.For instance, a person on steroids may have an effected social- emotional relationship with others due to the increase in testosterone, causing many users to lash out with violence and rage, a term that has been coined â€Å"roid rage. † My purpose in writing this essay is to shed light on the negative effects of steroids. By using cause and effect you will be able to determine the cause, which is steroids, and the many different effects they have. This is an important tool to really show just how a substance like anabolic steroids can affect someone.It is also important for my field of study, exercise science, to teach people about the negative side effects. Cause and effect analysis has taught me how to become a better reader, and writer, by showing me exactly how to analyze what I’m reading, and have it sink it, rather than go in one ear and out the other. The use of cause and effect in this essay will give the reader a more in depth perspective of the effects steroids have on the human body. Audit Awaareness For this essay I chose two articles to compare and contrast.The first article I chose was â€Å"Performance enhancement is not the only effect of androgenic-anabolic steroids in athletes. † The first article by ADIS International Limited did an excellent job giving us an in depth look on the ins and outs of steroid use. The second article I chose was titled â€Å"High-Dose Anabolic Cause and Effect Analysis 3 Steroids in Str ength Athletes: Effects upon Hostility and Aggression†, written by P. Y. L. Choi, A. C. Parrott, and D. Cowan. This article is an account of tests that P. Y. L. Choi et al. onstructed while testing the effects that steroid use has on strength athletes. It used a control group, that contained non users, and a group of three subjects on steroids. Both articles spoke of the negative side effects that steroids have, and described their uses. The second article, however, had more detail and provided real life examples of how far steroids could affect someone, negatively. FOR INSTANCE†¦While evaluating both articles I noticed that the evidence provided was relevant to the claim each was trying to make, that steroids generally provide more negative effects than good ones.The second article provided graphs to show the different levels of aggression and hostility in the subjects being tested, and the first article did not. Both articles had contradictions that could sway a reader away from believing that steroids were a negative alternative to supplementing. In the second article P. Y. L Choi et al. discuss how their study could be weak, â€Å"It was ‘open’ rather than ‘blind’. Drug conditions varied widely between subjects. † Over all, each article provided substantial evidence leading a reader to believe steroid use provides more negative effects than positive.I believe the authors in article one and two had the purpose of showing how steroids work, and to show how using them could lead to serious health risks and emotional instabilities, which could damage relationships you have with others. Nature of Casual Argument There was one cause for this subject: steroids. However, it had multiple effects, such as performance enhancement, and the bad side effects including increased aggression, hostility, decreased sex drive, weight gain, infertility, cardiovascular risks, and interfered with personal Cause and Effect Analysis 4 el ationships. The author for this article used a chart that gave a description of how steroids affected both male and females. In males it had acne, increased facial and body hair, increased aggressive behavior, increased appetite, and balding. In females it reduced breast size, menstrual irregularities, deepening of the voice, and enlarging the clitoris. While stating the negative side effects this article also included legitimate purposes for using steroids. Steroids can treat growth retardation, breast carcinoma, osteoporosis, edema, and anemia.What this article is trying to state, however, is that when used improperly, such as using more than the recommended dose, generally for enhancement purposes, the effects can be negative. Informative Article Summary The article comes from a textbook entitled â€Å"Drugs & Therapy Perspective,† the title of the article is â€Å"Performance enhancement is not the only effect of androgenic-anabolic steroids in athletes. † The arti cle talks about effects other than just performance enhancement when using steroids. The author’s opinion appears to be that steroids are not the way to go for enhancing performance athletically.This article first talks about how steroids work. Anabolic steroids are understood and almost guaranteed in all cases to create a deepened voice, increasing the user’s power, and creating more hair on your body. There are two different ways steroids can be used: through necessary doctor prescribed means, or by personal use, normally involving higher doses of the drug. While steroids can be beneficial in treating certain conditions dealing with its therapeutic use, it can also be used in frowned upon ways such as increased doses for personal use, in hopes of seeing results whether it is in competition or for muscle mass.Some of the main, and most common side effects steroids have, are an increase in the user’s weight, power gains, Cause and Effect Analysis 5 and problems with their physical and emotional well being. While stating that it does make some people stronger, it gives information from studies to show that anabolic steroids provide no long term energy. Most athletes have adverse effects when abusing steroids. Steroid abuse can also lead to infertility, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, heart attacks, heart failure, and even mortality.Towards the end of the article it talks about the effects that a person’s mental state goes through, such as increased rage, and lack of patience or short fuse. It ends off by including more effects to the many we now know, by adding in that if taken during your adolescent stages, your growth plates close up and your growth may be stunted Authorial Purpose The author’s main point in writing this essay is to inform his audience which may consist of athletes, any people currently on steroids, or even people just thinking about them.This gives detailed accounts of effects that steroids have, and t he adverse side effects. The article responds to any arguments that the readers may have by suggesting positive steroid use, and goes on to say that when abusing them, just like any other drug, you would more often than not receive adverse effects from anabolic steroids. Read Like a Writer When stating the positive uses for steroids, such as therapeutic reasons, it provides an answer for anyone who has an argument for steroids. It reaches common ground with the readers by providing several different side effects rather than just one.For instance, in (para. 7) â€Å"The abuse of AASs in healthy young athletes has been associated with serious cardiovascular events (e. g. cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, QT dispersion†¦acute heart failure and sudden cardiac Cause and Effect Analysis 6 death. † The cause and effect argument is made by informing the reader of the many dangerous side effects that relates to steroid abuse, as seen in the previous sentence. The author incorp orates counter arguing by information relevant to both males and females, rather than just one sex.By doing this he has now expanded his argument to a more vast audience. The author is not one-hundred percent against steroids, just the abuse of them, and it is not biased in doing so. This provides for a well written article, and one that anyone could read and leave being well informed of the adverse side effects of steroids, and not have much of an argument for them. Before reading this article I was not aware of over half of the effects steroids have on the human body and thought taking them in the offseason for baseball wouldn’t be such a bad idea.After reading this article and making a cause and effect essay on it, I was really able to clearly see that the side effects outweigh any achievable goal in which one may meet. Information Literacy The author for this article is unknown, but it comes from an accredited journal titled â€Å"Drugs & Therapy Perspective† and w as written in 2005. It is a rather recent article, and provides accurate information on the use, and abuse of steroids. It provides information from different studies, and self-reports to show the adverse effects of steroid abuse.In (para. 4) The author goes into the legitimate therapeutic reasons one may consider in taking steroids â€Å"AASs have a number of legitimate therapeutic uses including the treatment of male hypogonadism and growth retardation†¦. and some forms of anemia. † The author’s objective is not only having one side on steroids, but showing the positive with the negative. They presents the subject in a way that anyone could read and understand just what would happen if they were to abuse steroids. Cause and Effect Analysis 7 Professional ScenarioAfter reading this article I am now able to apply the knowledge I’ve learned to my career. I am planning on going into the field of exercise science, and wish to train athletes. I will never sugge st to anyone I’m training to abuse steroids, but rather avoid them entirely, and to enhance their performance naturally through over the counter vitamins, plenty of exercise, and eating healthy. There is no need to take steroids unless you want the easy way out. The negative side effects of them outweigh, in my opinion, the positive effects.While they may increase some performance, and make your muscles larger, they can affect you for the rest of your life by making you infertile, aggressive, or may end your life permanently. Also, I am an athlete myself, I play baseball, and I’ve seen so many athletes succumb to steroids, and end up losing their career over it. Every year dozens of MLB players are found to be on steroids, and are suspended, and their reputation and records ruined forever. You lose all respect, and dignity, when the fact that you’re using steroids to comes into the light.They may make you faster, or hit a ball harder, but when someone finds out those monster homeruns were boosted by being chemically induced, instead of a natural gift, or a result from being the best you can be, you basically lose the joy of every homerun you’ve ever hit, or base you’ve ever stolen. Conclusion The author does a great job in providing sufficient details in this cause and effect analysis. The author touched on a lot of the physical and emotional problems you will run into when dealing with abusing steroids.It becomes clear to me at the end of reading this that steroids are not up to par on the risk to reward plain. His use of steroids as his cause provides for a Cause and Effect Analysis 8 multiple effect pattern. I am now fully aware of what really happens to your body when you mess with this type of drug. Having knowledge on this topic will benefit me in my major because I am now able to preach to young athletes the dangers, and can now make some safer alternatives to performance enhancement. I am a better reader because of th e cause and effect genre.Thanks to cause and effect I am now able to see all points the author is trying to make in his argument and better understand the effects of any cause someone may write about. Cause and Effect Analysis 9 References ADIS International Limited. (2005). Drug reactions and interactions. Performance enhancement is not the only effect of androgenic-anabolic steroids in athletes. Drugs ther perspect 2005; Vol. 21, No. 8 Choi, P. Y. L; Parrott, A. C. ; and Cowan, D. (1990) High-Dose Anabolic Steroids in Strength Athletes: Effects upon Hostility and Aggression. Human Psychopharmacology 1990; Vol. 5, pages (349-356).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Corporate social responsibility Essay

In the second module, Organizational culture was discussed. It is said that culture is corporate personality. Culture includes the underlying values, beliefs and norms which govern the behavior of people as members of an organization. I have learned that it so important in an organization for it influences success of people in organizations and it is also considered as one of the six key strategic building blocks of successful organizations. There are five key aspects of culture and these include customer-client orientation, employee orientation, performance standards, openness to change and company norms. Culture is the social glue that helps hold an organization together by providing appropriate standards for what employees should say or do. In this module, Values were also discussed. The values of an organization express what it stands for and guide everyone’s behavior when dealing with everything from product development, to each other, to customers and suppliers. Values are ideas that guide or qualify your personal conduct, interaction with others, and involvement in your career. I learned that Values should be considered as part of the decision making and the product / service design and customer care process when developing new products / services. They assist in the development of the organization’s mission statement, vision statement and value statement. Values can support the core competencies of the organization, can serve as the starting ground for all marketing and advertising strategies and messages. Values required to perform work (customer service for example), can be looked for within the values of the people you consider hiring. I have also learned about value system which is a coherent set of values adopted and evolved by a person, organization, or society as a standard to guide its behavior in preferences in all situations. Another is Personal Values which are principles that define you as an individual and also cultural values which includes a person’s faith and customs that sustain connections with your cultural roots. Corporate value system guide an organization’s internal conduct as well as its relationship with its customers and partners. Philosophy of management was also discussed and this a body of related knowledge that supplies a logic for effective thinking in seeking solutions to certain kinds of business problems. These problems can be economic, social or political. The conditions in these problems are rapidly changing and thus a manager’s thinking must be based on fundamentals that do not change. There  are different types of philosophy. These are Organizationa;, ,otivational, crisis and Customer philosophy. In Motivational Philosophy, I have learned different methods of Motivation. How to accept personal responsibility and development of the work environment. On the otherahnd, identifying potential dangers, planning and responding for those dangers are the coverage in Crisis philosophy. Last is the customer philosophy which includes transactional, relationship and mixed-marketing.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Management of Financial Resources and Performance Essay

This assessment accounts for 100% of your overall module grade. It is an individually written assignment of about 3000-3500 words (10% -/+) excluding appendices, to be submitted to LSS Business School on the deadline shown in the student portal with the appropriate cover note according to the guidelines given in the student handbook. Your work is expected to be analytical and evaluative, consolidate on relevant theory and indicate a good level of application abilities. In order to complete this assignment you are required to select a company of your choice and identify the various stakeholders and their Interests on the company. You need to briefly explain how they can be managed effectively in the organisation using about 1000 words. Then select another company that is listed in FTSE (or equivalent in your own country), and conduct an audit of the businesses current position, you are required to identify the business planning and current strategy used in the organisation with specific reference to performance analysis and utilisation of resources (Including International considerations) for competitive advantage and assess the financial position using a series of management accounting techniques for decision making. Use about 1500 words in order to complete this. Using about 500-1000 words briefly explain the investment appraisal techniques that could be used by an organisation, and apply the techniques to conduct a investment appraisal for the following scenario 123 LTD is a clothing manufacturer operating in UK for more than 10 yrs, As a strategic decision to expand it’s operations, the company plans to set up a manufacturing unit in another country and produce designer clothing to sell in that country. Current interest rate is 10%, The options available are: USA Running expenses is estimated to be  £210K per annum and expected revenue is USD 700K per Annum An additional approval fee of  £22K needs to be paid in advance to trade in the country annually. France Running expenses is estimated to be  £190K per annum and expected revenue is EURO 450K per Annum. An additional approval fee of  £25K needs to be paid in advance to operate in the every yr. In addition a one off Royalty Fee of  £25K needs to be paid despite of the operational years. Switzerland Running expenses is estimated to be  £200K per annum and expected revenue is Swiss Francs 3800K per Annum, An additional License fee of  £30K needs to be paid in advance to operate in the route for a yr. Given the controls in this country, any factory of this nature will need an inspection by the authorities every 3 yrs amounting to  £70K per inspection. Cost of New machinery for this purpose in any country is  £450K, Life time of the Machinery is 10 yrs and at the end of 5 yrs the machinery will attract, a residual value of  £150K. Any material that you will decide to use as a result of your research would need to be submitted at the back of your assignment in the form of an appendix to ensure that the tutor is also briefed to the same level as you, when assessing your work. Take great care and follow the wording below carefully, to ensure that you have covered all the requirements sufficiently, according to the given tasks below.